Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Further lessons from Atlanta

Well, admitedly I was kinda pissed when I wrote that last post. If one must know I spent quite some time trying to navigate the streets of ATL in attempts to reach the mecca of design and fashion known simply as IKEA. 15 acres of cheap stuff you can buy to make you cooler than all your less trendy friends who have still not heard of this wonderous place. Almost needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, I never arrived at the blue and yellow gates. I could see it but couldn't get to it becuase it was just recently built and North West Atlanta's vascular system of interstates, highways, and lesser traveled capillary roads, have yet find an adequate way of delivering blood to its newest and most popular organ.
I was angry because I could see it but not find my way to it, so I just went back to the hotel after stopping by Arby's to get a roast beef combo. As much as I hate to admit it, I really wanted to be an IKEA shopper. I was most disappointed to not have the chance pick up new rugs, bedding, and other small trinkets that "would best define me as a person" (*Fight Club)

So I couldn't be cool. I was kinda upset because I don't like seeing that consumer mindset at work in myself, but I did. And I'd worked with agency people all day. I don't like agency people. They have no clue what they are doing and really are just wasting time and money. These guys however were also gay, some of them at least. Im growing to hate the way I act around agency people. I don't treat them with any kind of love. Im really easily irritated by them actually. I fear that these guys just perceived that as homophobia. Thats not the case, I just don't like most of my clients, gay or straight. I'll need to make a better effort to treat them with love, and dignity.

Anyway, all of the above contributed to my anger toward Atlanta. I think some of what I said is true but there are good people there too, and I got to hang out with at least some of them later in my short stay in Peach Tree central.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I think that Atlanta was formed by people who were kicked out of real cities because they were too narrow, or arrogant. I guess they all drove down here in their hummers with a chip on their shoulder because they couldn't cut it and thats why they don't use turn signals. Atlanta is a city built from tv. Ted Turner owns it...TBS, CNN, tv made ATL. And people here have watched too many tv shows set in New York, or Boston. They seem to think that Atlanta is the New York of the south. But it lacks all the things that make great city great, while managing to hold in tact all the things that make the south so hard to bear.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Last thursday fall came to birmingham. That is the exact prhase that came to my head and was echoed and therefore confirmed by several friends. I love fall. I wish it had stayed in birmingham longer than a day...but I know it will return soon. There seems to be a certain attitude present in people during seasonal changes. I can't help but think that its because somewhere deep down in all of us we are hardwired to desire change. I started reading another Don Miller book. He puts is so much better than I ever would. He says that change seems to be Gods way. We change from boys, to men, students to workers. Change is good and the seasons remind us of that. Weather we realize it or not, they are telling us to change with them. I think that accounts for the special energy in people now. I want to change, to be in motion, to really live, not just exist.

"We are shaped by our experiences. Our perception of joy, fear, pain, and beauty are sharpened or dulled by the way we rub against time."- Don Miller

I feel Ive not rubbed time the right way for much of my life. Its times like these that make me want to get out and sharpen my senses with today.