Tuesday, April 18, 2006

blogs are weird...

Been thinking about just what one of these things are lately. they are pretty interesting to me. I like mine, it helps me think through experiences and lets the few people that know its here take a look and see what Ive deemed noteworthy enough in my life to write a post about, but the blog world is pretty screwed up.
We get on these things and write out the drab details of our emotional struggles in parables of sorts so as to inform / confuse the people that we think will read these things. I think blogs make people think that they are deeper than they really are. I do sometimes. I find myself thinking, "Wow, that was a profound thought, I'll blog about that." Thats kind of a bunch of bull crap though. "Self improvement is masturbation." That's what Tyler Durden says at one point in Fight Club (honestly the most thought provoking movie Ive re-watched in a long long time) and I wonder if blogs aren't the same thing. I wonder if thats why I do it, just to make myself feel better about not having many actual relationships with real people. Its an interesting idea at least. One to blog on...aren't I so deep and smart and cool because I thought of it?


Amanda said...

So true. I always feel like I'm profound and deep when I'm writing, both in my world wide web log and in my actual journal. But then I read it again later and realize that I was wrong, and that I'm really pretty boring (although I don't think this when I read yours). Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had a deep or profound thought. At least an original. But we will continue to blog about things that are neither profound nor deep in an effort to stroke our egos (I realize this is probably an inappropriate phrase in regards to the post). Thanks for dropping the M bomb, by the way ... always keeping me on my toes.

Anonymous said...

Not me. I know I'm shallow.

jeff said...

why not just write what you are thinking about it? its a good way to flesh out what's inside. People write books for those reasons.

Paige said...

you write because you want to overcome that feeling of losing what's left behind... but it's already left behinf... somewhere in space and time... so writing is an illusion...

oh, I needa meet you now that I am here... call us sometime..


David said...

Well, mine isn't so much of a parable, but I have join the ranks of people who put out their dirty laundry (honest thoughts) for others to read. Check it out, if you like.