Thursday, June 01, 2006

just some thoughts...

Recently through different circumstances and series of events I've become increasingly intrigued by words. Intrigued by the skill in which some friends and heroes are able to craft their words in such a way as to evoke an emotional response from me. It works on all levels. I'm challenged, hurt, inspired, and disenchanted by words flowing from the people around me.

"Are there black children there? I don't want my kids exposed to drugs you know."
--a coworker.

"Am I a Christian? Are you a Jew? Did you kill my Lord? Must I forgive you?
I know its hard to be original. In fact, nothing scares me more. Because Jesus only lets me do what has been done before."
--David Bazan from "Selling Advertising"

Also I've been thinking about the value of one's life story against the next guys. I read a book, "Raising Fences," an autobiographical account of a guy that grew up in the LA projects and made it out and graduated from UCLA grad school and is now a writer. I found myself comparing my life to his. How interesting his seems; how dull mine seems. The more I read though, I started to think, "if this guy lived around here, we'd probably be hanging out this weekend." I wonder if what separates a seemingly interesting life from a seemingly dull one is simply the skill with which the story is recounted.

Finally Im a little disheartened and confused now. I have a desire for diversity amongst my friends, in the relationships that I have. I love my fiends and wouldn't trade them for anything. However Im noticing that my circles of friends are quite concentric and monochromatic. It seems to be a hard ring to break out of. I don't think its going to happen by default either. I think it will take a lot of intentionality on my part to meet people that are different than I am, which isn't so bad, just difficult to start.


jeff said...

i like those quotes. It seems that in growing up, every has to be intentional. It's like the nerve you feel when you ask out a girl that you really like and are scared to death of.

katie said...

jason, good to hear more from you... we'll be in town june 14th... hope to see you. gene can give details...

Renee said...

I like what you said about wanting more diversity in friendships. I think we naturally flock to people we are similar to because it's easier, we don't wanna have to put forth tons of effort in relationships. Loving people who are different from us is hard. Why not make new friends and keep the old. Instead of hanging out just with the people you normally do, invite your friends to come with you to mingle with new people. It'll be as good for them as it is for you. It'd be cool to go to that Indian restaurant downtown and maybe befriend the people who own it and work there.

susan said...

I'm glad you like that book. Michael Datcher is a word warrior. Each one hits its mark. I hope he writes something new soon.
