Thursday, April 03, 2008

Last Birmingham Blog

I should be leaving within the next hour or so. I've been told by several friends that I'd better blog more often so I figured I'd best go on and start.

I honestly haven't had the down time I'd liked to have had to sit down and write and process all thats been going on in my head with this move but to try to sum it all up, I basically go back and fourth thinking this is the best thing I'll ever do, and this is the worst mistake I've ever made. And that cycle happens about every 90 seconds or so. Right now the "worst mistake" side is tending to win... but I believe the closer I get to my new home the "best thing" side will gain its lost ground.

Its been hard saying goodbye to people. The community group was tough for me. So many people who I respect so much and have grown close to over the past few years, so many people who've known me for so long that it scares me to think of how old I'll be when I'll know folks in Philadelphia that long. The SouthTown guys were great at our goodbye... I'll miss them more than they'll realize. No more J. Clyde... that just sucks.

I really love it here... I've never said any different. Sometimes I wonder if I've let a bad job situation run me out of my home. But I don't give a lot of credit to that thought. Sometimes you just have to take a shot at something different. I've said several times that if I never go whatever work I do in Birmingham I'll resent it, because I'm comparing it to some ideal that I've concocted in my head. Maybe that ideal is real somewhere, but if I never look I guess I'll never know. The ground is hard in Birmingham for the work that I've found myself in, and its broken my back. Maybe there's softer, more manageable ground north of here.

Leaving is harder than I expected; much harder. I'll miss my friends and family here. So for all the friends I had to say goodbye to and those that I didn't get the chance to, I love you guys and look forward to seeing you all again soon.


Anonymous said...

Jason, I'm proud of you for leaving. Its harder to leave then it is to stay. Its going to be great. Listen to that other voice.

katie said...

j, brian and i sobbed when we packed up and left bham... it was so sad. and my first year away was lonely.

praying that jesus meets you there.

susan said...

you made the right decision. but, birmingham already isn't the same without you.

Jason Harmon said...

Thanks everyone.

Im in Philly now... the trip was unbelievably smooth. I'll write more about it after some sleep.

G. Twilley said...

Well...we're glad to hae you, Jason:-)

Amanda said...

as soon as you walked out the door at community group on tuesday, it hit me - he's really leaving. and i was sad. am still sad. but so very excited for you.

maybe i'll get to run in philly again this year and come to visit.

amy & ashley said...

jason--i'm sad with you! i think you phrased my thoughts exactly in this last week of being here. right now, worst mistake keeps winning. we wish you the joy in finding new things for yourself and with others in philly. :)

susan said...

Time for new blog!

Amit said...

You are the third largest source of visitors to my blog page! Did you know that Jason?