Friday, February 22, 2008

Airport blogger** revised **

** whilst in the airport I originally posted this via my iPhone. I've gone back and added links as well as cleaned up some typos.

Well, I've been up since 3am. I've be been in ATL (which everyone knows how much I enjoy) for about 8 hrs due to all the rough weather in Philly. Normally I think I'd be pissed, but its been pretty fun actually. I met an awesome older guy, Joe Vitali. Probably in his 70s or 80s as best I could tell. We probably spent 3 or 4 hours chatting. I listened as he told me about growing up in Philly in an Italian neighborhood where his dad owned a grocery store.

"We were all Italian; the whole neighborhood. There was one Irishman though. And when the Americans started moving in my dad told me to go down to Acme Grocery and get some american bread for them to buy." He told me all about his kids, all 9 of them. His boy thats in the Marines. The other son thats a movie star... "He knows martial arts... Revenge of the Ninja is his (Keith Vitali) most famous. He's been in some with that Jakie what's his name too. And on Oprah talking about bullies. Just fished a book too. Its bound so beautifully, he talks about being on Oprah in there too."

He told me about his mom thats 108. And how she and his dad were married in '22 and how he died in '04. "88 years if my math is right."

And then he told me about his own wife of 58 years, and that she'd passed away just 2 weeks ago. Thats why I'm here you know. My five kids in Columbia are renovating my house. When I get back it'll be a new place. I think that'll help."

I hope it does, but I have my doubts. He teared up as he talked about her. The he handed me a piece of paper. "I don't even know why Im showing you this, my son wrote it." it was the eulogy that was read at his wires funeral,you could tell he was planning onkeeping it. It was beautifully written and I almost joined in Joe Vitali's tears.

"What a life, I tell ya! Boy I got a great family, I brag on 'em too much. You should see my granddaughter, she plays on one of those traveling soccer teams... what do you call 'em?? Well anyway, she doesn't just play in South Carolina, but in North Carolina, Tennessee, all over. I'm really gonna enjoy seeing her play."

It was amazing to meet Joe and it was his company that made this a good day.

"Hey sweetheart," Joe says to his sister over the cell phone I'd been helping him learn to use. "Oh nothing much just sitting here with my friend Jason Harmon. We've been passing the time together. He's visiting Philly. "

He smiled at me as he hung up.


susan said...

That was awesome. Call us if you need a ride home.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, awesome. One of the main reasons traveling is so great...

Anonymous said...

jason, that was an awesome story. what wonderful opportunities await us if we just open our hearts. what love that man has shared and has to share. and to think of it, today at work i was telling myself how people aren't honest and kind and i need to toughen my skin up, when really i need to feel more.