Sunday, March 15, 2009

a modest list...

I'm not big on lists, but I've had my thinking on them challenged as of late. Here's a modest list of 27 things I'd like to do before I turn 28. I'm a few months late to the game, so take it easy on me for some of the easy targets on there.

1. Eat dinner in the trolley at the Spaghetti Warehouse.
2. Shoot guns at the firing range across Spring Garden from the Spaghetti Warehouse.
3. Master one delicious Mexican dish and cook it often. (Quesadillas do not count)
4. Visit Richmond Virginia.
5. Write a semi-complex but functioning Processing sketch.
6. Eat Ethiopian food in West Philly with Haley.
7. Play guitar more.
8. Learn more about tea and cheese
9. Do something at work that I'm not embarrassed to tell people I did.
10. Explore places outside the city once a month.
11. Bake bread.
12. Ride my bike to work semi-regularly.
13. Do personal projects.
14. Get soft pretzels from the place on Washington.
15. Go to the site of the Philly World's Fair.
16. Spend some time at home with my family.
17. Watch a Woody Allen movie.
18. Read Catcher in the Rye.
19. Cook with Granny and Pop and get some of their recipes.
20. Grow a few vegetables.
21. Move to Fishtown.
22. Make some sweet beats in Reason.
23. Play outside more.
24. Wash my car. (It's a bigger deal that you might think.)
25. Make some stencils.
26. Pray more.
27. Take a long trip.


ginger said...

# 3. I could give you the recipe for my taco meat. It may not be what you had in mind, but Haley liked it ;).

G. Twilley said...

Jason, seriously, I think some of the things on this list are a little too easy;-).

Amanda said...

#24 made me smile.

Jason Harmon said...

Ginger... I would love your taco recipe. Haley talks about it all the time. She took me to the Border Cafe in Newark not too long ago... taco stories definitely came up.

Gene... its not about ease, its about aspiration.

Amanda... somethings never change. Philly can be a pretty grimy place, and the Breeze fits right in.

carolyn said...

#8 is for haley...isnt it? I dont think i was ever up for that challenge...

ginger said...

Hi Jason! Don't know where else to leave this - so here you have it...
2 lbs ground beef
1 pkg original chili mix
onion powder
garlic salt (or garlic plus salt)
1 can tomato sauce

Brown beef and add seasoning. Drain if too fatty. Add tomato sauce. Simmer and serve or keep warm in oven until ready.

There are no hard fast rules on this one. Add until you like how it tastes. I use more garlic than onion powder. Fresh garlic is good too. This freezes well (thus the 2 lb qty)

Let me know how the meal goes. Wish I was there to make it for you guys!

My name's Haley said...

16, 19, 21, and 23 check